Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Riwayat Hidup




: Dr. Erry Purnomo


Tempat dan tanggal lahir

: Semarang, 16 Januari 1960


Alamat Kantor

: Jurusan Manajemen, Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat PO Box 1028 Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan (70714)



: 0511 477 055



: atau


Riwayat Pendidikan





Lulus Tahun



CSturt Univ./Australia


Soil Management


CSturt Univ./Australia


Soil Management


CSturt Univ./Australia


Agricultural Studies


Univ. Gadjah Mada/Yogyakarta


Ilmu Tanah



Riwayat Pekerjaan







Univ. Lambung Mangkurat



Center for Tropical Acid Soil Studies



Center for Tropical Adverse Soil Studies







Refereed Journal


1.     Purnomo E and Black AS (1994) Wheat growth phosphorus fertilizers as affected by time and method of application in soil with an acidic subsurface layer. Fertilizer Research. 39: 77-82


2.     Purnomo E, Rusmayadi G and Rijani A (1999) Pattern of nitrogen mineralisation in peat soil as affected by herbicides application. Kalimantan Agrikultura. 6: 10-16

3.     Purnomo E (1999) Distribution of nitrogen mineralisation potential within surface layers of upland soils in South Kalimantan. Jurnal Tanah Tropika. 9: 109-116

4.     Purnomo E, Geling SM and van Someren WTG (1999) Spatial and temporal variation of chemical composition of tidal irrigation water in an acid sulfate soil of South Kalimantan Jurnal Tanah Tropika. 9: 7-14

5.     Purnomo E (1999) Factor influencing cations exchange prior subject to leaching: A review. Kalimantan Agrikultura. 6: 108-120

6.     Purnomo E (1999) Implication for productivity and persistence of the subteranean clover leys when traditional farming practices are replaced by direct drilling. Kalimantan Agrikultura. 6: 65-74

7.     Purnomo E, Ifansyah H, Kurnain A and Razie F (1999) Changes of rhizospere pH and its implication to phosphorus availability for crops. Kalimantan Agrikultura. 7: 46-52


8.     Purnomo E, Syaifuddin H, Fahmi A, Kasim F and Yasin, MHG (2000) The variation of soil pH, Aluminium and phosphorus within the root zone of maize strains in differing their tolerance to aluminium toxicity. Jurnal Tanah Tropika. 10: 171-178

9.     Purnomo E (2000) Distribution of mineral nitrogen within surface of the upland soil in South Kalimantan. Jurnal Tanah Tropika. 11: 1-6.

10.  Priatmadi BJ dan Purnomo E (2000) Karakterisasi tanah sulfat masam dan zona produktivitas padi. Jurnal Tanah Tropika. 11: 59-68.

11.  Purnomo E, Black AS, Smith CJ, and Conyers MK (2000) The distribution of net nitrogen mineralisation within surface soil. 1. Field study under wheat crop. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 38: 129-140.

12.  Purnomo E, Black AS, and Conyers MK (2000) The distribution of net nitrogen mineralisation within surface soil. 2. Factors influencing the distribution of net N mineralisation. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 38: 643-652.

13.  Hadi A, Inubushi K, Purnomo E, Razie F, Yamakawa K and Tsuruta H (2000) Effects of land-use change on nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from tropical peatlands. Chemosphere-Global Change Science. 2: 347-358.

14.  Purnomo E, Razie F and Fadilah T (2000) pH in the root zone of maize and snake bean crops feeded with ammonium sulfate and potassium nitrate. Kalimantan Agrikultura. 7: 58-62.

15.  Ifansyah H, Purnomo E and Fatmasari M (2000) Pengaruh tanaman yang dipupuk nitrogen amonium dan nitrogen nitrat terhadap pH rizosfer. Agrikultura. 7:81-86.


16.  Hadi A, Haridi M, Inubushi K, Purnomo E, Razie F and Tsuruta H (2001) Effects of land-use change in tropical peat soil on the microbial population and emission of greenhouse gases. Microbes and Environment. 16: 79-86.

17.  Hadi A, Inubushi K, Purnomo E, Furukawa Y and Tsuruta H (2001) Emissions of CH4 and CO2 from tropical peatlands as affected by hydrological zone and land-use. In: Researches Related to the UNESCO’S Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan.


18.  Inubushi K, Furukawa Y, Hadi A, Purnomo E, and Tsuruta H (2003) Seasonal changes of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in relation to land-use change in tropical peatlands located in coastal area of South Kalimantan. Chemosphere, 52: 603-608.

19.  Purnomo E, Syaifuddin H and Setyaningrum H (2003) Distribution of carbon dioxide evolution within the surface soil under legume-legume or cereal-cereal crop rotation. Jurnal Tanah Tropika, 17: 7-15.

20.  Yasin MHG, Kasim F, Nurtirtayani dan Purnomo E (2003) Penampilan famili S1 jagung pada lahan sulfat masam dan podsolik merah kuning. Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan. 22: 139-144.


21.  Hasegawa T, Purnomo E, Hashidoko Y, Osaki M and Rusmayadi G (2004) Grain yield and its variation of local rice varieties grown on acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. Japanese Journal of Crop Science, 73: 220-221.

22.  Hasegawa T, Purnomo E, Hashidoko Y, Osaki M and Rusmayadi G (2004) Effects of genotypes and transplating methods on panicle weights of rice grown on acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. 73: 222-223.

23.  Hasegawa T, Matsuo S, Gotoh Y, Hashidoko Y, Purnomo E and Osaki M (2004) Physio-morphological traits of South Kalimantan local rice varieties -Comparisons with improved indica and temperate japonica varieties-. Japanese Journal of Crop Science. 73:224-226.


24.  Purnomo E, Sarwani M, Jumberi A, Mursyid A, Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y, Shinano T, Honma S and Osaki M (2005) Phosphorus Nutrition of High Yielding Local Rice Varieties Grown without Fertilizer on Acid Sulphate Soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 51: 679-681.

25.  Hashidoko Y, Hasegawa T, Purnomo E, Tada M, Limin SH, Osaki M and Tahara S (2005) Neutral rhizosplane pH of local rice and some predominant tree species in South and Central Kalimantans: A possible strategy of plant adaptation to acidic-soil. Tropics 14: 139-142.

26.  Hadi A, Inubushi K, Furukawa Y, Purnomo E, Rasmadi M and Tsuruta H (2005) Greenhouse gas emission from tropical peatlands of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 71: 73-80.

27.  Purnomo E, Setiawan ML, Halim H, Choiron D, Yulia R, Shinano T, Hashidoko Y, Hasegawa T and Osaki M (2005) Padi lokal, tanpa pupuk dengan hasil 8 ton per hektar. Kompas. 21 September 2005.

28.  Fahmi A, Nurzakiah S dan Purnomo E (2005) Evaluasi teknik penyiapan contoh tanah dan metode analisis tanah untuk pengukuran fosfat. Jurnal Tanah Tropika 10: 85-90.

29.  Hairani A, Annisa W Purnomo E dan Osaki M (2005) Identifikasi dan uji kemampuan mikroorganisme pelarut P dari berbagai rhizosfer padi local yang berdaya hasil tinggi di lahan pasang surut tanah sulfat masam Kp Balandean Kalimantan Selatan. Jurnal Tanah Tropika 10: 131-136.





30.  Purnomo E, Hairil I, Kurnain A and Osaki M. (2006) Processes Involved in the Acidification of Ultisols Under Different Crop Rotation Systems in South Kalimantan Indonesia. Jurnal Tanah Tropika. 12: 21-30.

31.  Hashidoko Y, Gotou Y, Osaki M, Purnomo E, Limin SH, and Tahara S (2006) Characterization and ecological role of free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from the rhizoplane of Melastoma malabraticum inhabiting acidic plain lands in Kalimantan. Tropics. 15: 351-356.

32.  Hahidoko Y, Hayashi H, Hasegawa T, Purnomo E, Osaki M and Tahara S (2006). Frequent isolation of sphingomonads from local rice varieties and other weeds grown on acid sulfate soil in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Tropics. 15: 391-395.

33.  Purnomo E, Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y and Osaki M (2006) Soil nitrogen supply and local rice nitrogen uptake in unfertilised acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. Tropics. 15: 349-354.

34.  Yulia R, Purnomo E, Razie R dan Krisdianto (2006) Identifikasi mikroorganisme penambat nitrogen, pelarut fosfat dan kalium di tanah dan rizosfer beberapa jenis padi yang ditanam di tanah pasang surut. Enviroscienteae 2: 1-10.

35.  Choiron D, Purnomo E, Halim H dan Krisdianto (2006) Sifat kimia tanah pada rizosfer Padi Panjang di lahan pasang surut. Enviroscienteae 2: 30-38.


36.  Hashidoko Y, Kitagawa E, Iwahashi H, Purnomo E, Hasegawa T, and Tahara S (2007) Design of Sphingomonad-Detecting Probes for a DNA Array, and Its Application to Investigate the Behavior, Distribution, and Source of  Rhizospherous Sphingomonas and Other Sphingomonads Inhabiting an Acid Sulfate Soil Paddock in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 71: 343-351

37.  Purnomo E, Honma S, Risanthi E, Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y and Osaki M (2007) Contrast Response of Siam Unus or IR64 Variety Growth to Nitrogen Application in Acid Sulfate Soil: A glass house study. Jurnal Tanah Tropika. 12: 105-110.

38.  Su Y, Shinano T, Purnomo E and Osaki M (2007) Growth promotion of rice by inoculation of acid-tolerant, N2-fixing bacteria isolate from acid sulphate paddy soil in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Tropics. 16: 261-274.

39.  Rahmi EV, Purnomo E, Khairuddin Gt dan Rahman M (2007) The improvement of peat water quality by using peat clay and filtration system. Enviroscienteae 3: 15-24.

40.  Taruna SR, Hatta GtM, Purnomo E, Salawati U (2007) Pengaruh aplikasi limbah cair pabrik kelapa sawit terhadap kandungan hara makro N, P, K dan Mg di daun kelapa sawit, produktivitas dan analisis ekonominya. Enviroscienteae 3: 37-41.

41.  Mursyid A, Purnomo E, Wardani L, Sunjoto A, Samharinto, Ekawati S, Kartana N and Osaki M (2007) The ability of wood vinegar in improving chilli (Capsicum annum, L) production. Ziraa’ah 20: 92-97.

42.  Wijaya CH, Bernard, Purnomo E and Hashidoko Y. (2007)Physico-Chemical Properties, Sensory Characteristics and Glycemic Index of Tidal Peat-Swamp Rice Grown in South Kalimantan. ASEAN Food Journal 14 (1): 37-43


43.  Purnomo E, Setiawan ML, Yuliani N, Atmaja E, Wahyuni M, Saidy AR and Osaki M (2008). Local Rice Cultivars Grown On Swampland in Coastal Area in South Kalimantan. Jurnal Tanah Tropika 13: 103-109.


44.  Purnomo E, Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y, Presto JS and Osaki M (2009) Nitrogen nutrition of some local rice varieties grown without fertilizer on acid sulphate soil area in South Kalimantan. Jurnal Tanah Tropika 14: 41-47.


Seminar Oral Presentation


1.     Purnomo E, Black AS, Smith CJ and Conyers MK (1996) Stratification of potential nitrogen mineralisation in soil under a crop. Australian and New Zealand National Soils Conference 1996, The University of Melbourne. 1-4 July 1996.


2.     Purnomo E (1997) Nitrogen mineralisation in soil layers under cereal crops: application of a model to measure N mineralisation in the field. International Workshop on Biological Management of Soil Fertlity on Acid Upland Soils in the Humid Tropics. Brawijaya Universiy, Malang. 28-31 July 1997.


3.     Black AS, Purnomo E, Young S and Conyers MK (1998) N mineralisation and nitrification in crop and pasture soils. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, 1998.


4.     Inubushi K, Hadi A, Razie F, Purnomo E, Yusran FH and Tsuruta H (1999) Dynamics of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in the tropical wetland. Workshop on Land-use/cover Changes and GHG Emission in Humid Tropical Environment, Bogor, 12-13 February 1999.


5.     Purnomo E, Inubushi K, Tsuruta, Razie Fand H Hadi A (2000) Effect of land-use on nitro oxide emission in peatland of South Kalimantan. Seminar Nasional Pengelolaan Hutan Rawa Gambut dan Ekspos Hasil Penelitian di Lahan Basah. Balai Teknologi Reboisasi Banjarbaru. Banjarmasin 9 Maret 2000.


6.     Purnomo E, Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y and Osaki M (2002) Soil nitrogen supply and local rice nitrogen uptake in unfertilised acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. International Symposium on Land Management and Biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Bali, Indonesia. 17-20 September 2002.

7.     Hasegawa T, Purnomo E, Hashidoko Y and Osaki M (2002) Productivity of local rice varieties grown on acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. International Symposium on Land Management and Biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Bali, Indonesia. 17-20 September 2002.

8.     Hashidoko Y, Hasegawa T, Purnomo E and Osaki M (2002) Rhizoplane pH and rhizoplane mikroflora of local rice varieties grown on acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. International Symposium on Land Management and Biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Bali, Indonesia. 17-20 September 2002.

9.     Hashidoko Y, Gotou Y, Hoo H, Osaki M, Purnomo E, Suwido LH, and Tahara S (2002) Characterization of Free-living Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria Isolated from Rhizoplane of Melastoma sp. Inhabiting Acidic Plain Land in Kalimantan and Their Ecological Role. International Symposium on Land Management and Biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Bali, Indonesia. 17-20 September 2002.

10.  Purnomo E, Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y, Sulaiman S and Osaki M (2002) Local Rice: A Sustainable Production System on Acid Soil. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pertanian Lahan Kering dan Lahan Rawa. Banjarbaru, 18-19 Desember 2002.


  1. Purnomo E, Sarwani M, Jumberi A, Mursyid A, Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y, and Osaki M (2003) Phosphorus Nutrition of High Yielding Local Rice Varieties Grown without Fertilizer on Acid Sulphate Soil. International Symposium on Land Management and Biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Palangkaraya, Indonesia. 1-4 December 2003.


12.  Purnomo E, Mursyid A, Sarwani M, Jumberi A, Hashidoko Y, and Osaki M (2004) Phosphorus Solubilizing Microorganisms in the Rhizosphere of Local Rice Varieties Grown Without Fertilizer on Acid Sulfate Soils. 6th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interaction at Low pH. Sendai, Japan, 1-5 August 2004

  1. Purnomo E, Setiawan ML, Halim H, Shinano T, Hashidoko Y, Hasegawa T and Osaki M (2004) Yield Variations of Extreme High Yield of Tropical Rice Grown Without Fertilizer on Acid Sulfate Soil in South Kalimantan. International Symposium on Land Management and Biodiversity in Southeast Asia. IPB Bogor, Indonesia. 8-9 December 2004.


  1. Purnomo E and Osaki M (2005) Salt effect on pH readings Using a pH Meter. First International Workshop on Plant Ionomics, Sept 12-14, 2005, Beijing
  2. Purnomo E, Setiawan ML, Halim H, Choiron D, Yulia R, Shinano T, Hashidoko Y, Hasegawa T and Osaki M (2005) Rhizosphere Function of Tropical Rice in Sustaining Extreme High Yield without Fertilizer in Acid Sulfate Soil. International Symposium on Plant Nutrition. September 14-19, 2005, Beijing.
  3. Purnomo E and Gumay C, Sarwani M, Haris A and Osaki M (2005) Changes of soil quality in Reclaimed Ex-mining Area in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. International Symposium on Phytoremediation and Ecosystem Health, Sept. 10-13, 2005, Hangzhou.


  1. Purnomo E, Sujarwo I, Subandrio A, Tambunan R, Atmaja E, and Osaki M (2006) The Ability of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) in Decreasing Suspended Solid of in pit Pond Water in Ex-coal Mining Area. International Workshop on Tropical Rain Forest and Boreal Forest Disturbance and their Effects on Global Warming” participant on 17-18 September 2006.
  2. Purnomo E, Choiron D, Yulia R and Osaki M (2006) Root-induced Changes of Soil Solution Chemical Properties in the Rhizosphere of Padi Panjang and IR64 Varieties. International Symposium on Nature and Land Management of Tropical Peatland in South East Asia, 20-21 September, 2006.


  1. Purnomo E (2008) Rhizosphere Function of an Extreme High Tropical Local Rice Variety Grown without Fertilizer on Adverse Soil in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. International Workshop on Rhizosphere Technology in Sustaining Plant Growth in Adverse Soils and Prediction for Carbon Trade 25-26 February 2008, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.


  1. Purnomo E (2009) The Environmental Characteristics of South Kalimantan Site for Eaglewood Plantation Project. Workshop Pengembangan Teknologi Produksi Gaharu Berbasis pada Pemberdayaan Masyarkat di Sekitar Hutan. Bogor, 29 April 2009.
  2. Subandrio A, Abdurrahman, Purnomo E dan Sujarwo I (2009) Rencana penutupan tambang berbasis corporate social responsibility: Sebuah pemikiran. Seminar Mine Closure (Pasca Tambang) Indonesia 2009. Yogyakarta, 23-25 Maret 2009.


Seminar Poster Presentation


1.     Purnomo E, and Black AS (1992) Phosphorus management for wheat (Triticum aestivum, cv Rosella) in soil with an acidic subsurface layer. National Soils Conference, Adelaide, Australia. 19-23 April 1992.


2.     Purnomo E and Black AS (1995) Timing of the application of North Carolina phosphate rock (NCPR) to wheat. First National Soil Phosphate Confernce. Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia. 27-28 November 1995.


3.     Purnomo E, Black AS, Smith CJ and Conyers MK (1996) Stratification of nitrogen mineralisation and pH in soil under a crop. Australian and New Zealand National Soils Conference 1996, The University of  Melbourne.  1-4 July 1996.


4.     Purnomo E (1997) Where does nitrogen mineralisation occur under cereal crop? International Workshop on Biological Management of Soil Fertlity on Acid Upland Soils in the Humid Tropics. Brawijaya Universiy, Malang. 28-31 July 1997.


5.     Purnomo E and Osaki M (2001) Processes involved in acidification of soil under different crop rotation in South Kalimantan Indonesia. 5th Symposium on Plant-Soil Interaction at Low pH. Durban South Africa. 12-14 March 2001.


  1. Furukawa Y, Inubushi K, Ali M, Itang AM, Hadi A, Purnomo E and Tsuruta H (2002) Effect of land-use change on seasonal changes of GHG flux in tropical peatland. International Workshop on Land-Use Change and Green House Gases, Soil C and Nutrient Cycling in the Tropics. February, 19-21, 2002. Tsukuba Center for Institute. Tsukuba, Japan
  2. Hadi A, Inubushi K, Purnomo E and Tsuruta H (2002) Emissions of N2O, CH4 and CO2 from tropical peatlands. International Workshop on Land-Use Change and Green House Gases, Soil C and Nutrient Cycling in the Tropics. February, 19-21, 2002. Tsukuba Center for Institute. Tsukuba, Japan.


Annual Report


  1. Hasegawa T, Purnomo E and Rusmayadi G (2001) Establishment of sustainable agro-ecosystems in Kalimantan: A field survey report with reference to rice production in South Kalimantan. In: Anonymous (2001) Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2000-March 2001.
  2. Hasegawa T, Purnomo E and Rusmayadi G (2001) Establishment of sustainable agro-ecosystems in Kalimantan: A field survey report with reference to rice production in South Kalimantan. In: Anonymous (2001) Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2000-March 2001.


  1. Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y, Purnomo E and Rusmayadi G (2002) Establishment of sustainable agro-ecosystems in Kalimantan: Local rice production in South Kalimantan. In: Anonymous (2002) Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2001-March 2002.


  1. Hasegawa T, Purnomo E, Hashidoko Y, Matsuo S and Rusmayadi G (2003) Establishment of sustainable agro-ecosystems in Kalimantan: productivity of local rice in South Kalimantan.In: Anonymous (2003) Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2002-March 2003.


  1. Hasegawa T, Purnomo E, Hashidoko Y, Osaki M and Rusmayadi G (2004) Grain yield and its variation of local rice varieties grown on acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. In: Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2003-March 2004
  2. Hasegawa T, Purnomo E, Hashidoko Y, Osaki M and Rusmayadi G (2004) Effects of genotypes and transplating methods on panicle weights of rice grown on acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. In: Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2003-March 2004
  3. Hasegawa T, Matsuo S, Gotoh Y, Hashidoko Y, Purnomo E and Osaki M (2004) Physio-morphological traits of South Kalimantan local rice varieties -Comparisons with improved indica and temperate japonica varieties In: Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2003-March 2004

8.     Saidy AR, Purnomo E and Osaki M (2004) Changes in electrical conductivity of acid sulfate soils grown with local rice in South Kalimantan. In: Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2003-March 2004

  1. Saidy AR, Purnomo E, Rasmadi M, Mariana ZT and Osaki M (2004) Changes in pH of tropical peat as influenced by carbon mineralisation. In: Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2003-March 2004.


  1. Hasegawa T, Purnomo E, Hashidoko Y and Osaki M (2005) Genetic variation in yield and its components amongst 71 South Kalimantan local rice varieties tested on acid sulfate soil. In: Environmental Conservation and Land Use Management of Wetland Ecosystem in Southeast Asia. Annual Report for April 2004-March 2005.


Research experience


  1. Spatial and temporal variation of chemical composition of tidal irrigation water in an acid sulfate soil of South Kalimantan. Funded by Lawoo Netherlands 1999
  2. Pattern of nitrogen mineralisation in peat soil as affected by herbicides application. Funded by BKS INTIM 1999.
  3. Distribution of nitrogen mineralisation potential within surface layers of upland soils in South Kalimantan. Funded by DIKTI through Young Academic Urge Program 1999.



  1. Processes Involved in the Acidification of Ultisols Under Different Crop Rotation Systems in South Kalimantan Indonesia. Funded by DIKTI through Fundamental Research Program 2000.
  2. The variation of soil pH, Aluminium and phosphorus within the root zone of maize strains in differing their tolerance to aluminium toxicity. Funded by Balitsereal Maros 2000.
  3. Distribution of mineral nitrogen within surface of the upland soil in South Kalimantan. Funded by DIKTI through Young Academic Urge Program 2000.


  1. Penampilan famili S1 jagung pada lahan sulfat masam dan podsolik merah kuning. Funded by Balitsereal Maros 2003.
  2. Insect Ecology. Joint Project Faculty of Agriculture Yamagata University-Faculty of Agriculture Lambung Mangkurat University. 2003-2008.


  1. Grain yield and its variation of local rice varieties grown on acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. Funded by JSPS 2004.
  2. Effects of genotypes and transplating methods on panicle weights of rice grown on acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. Funded by JSPS 2004.



  1. Phosphorus Nutrition of High Yielding Local Rice Varieties Grown without Fertilizer on Acid Sulphate Soil. Funded by DIKTI through Postgraduate Research Program 2005.
  2. Neutral rhizosplane pH of local rice and some predominant tree species in South and Central Kalimantans: A possible strategy of plant adaptation to acidic-soil. Funded by JSPS 2005.
  3. Evaluasi teknik penyiapan contoh tanah dan metode analisis tanah untuk pengukuran fosfat. Funded by Balittra 2005.
  4. Identifikasi dan uji kemampuan mikroorganisme pelarut P dari berbagai rhizosfer padi local yang berdaya hasil tinggi di lahan pasang surut tanah sulfat masam Kp Balandean Kalimantan Selatan. Funded by Balittra 2005.
  5. Establishment of Organic Farming System in Ex-coal Mining Area. Joint Research Project PT Adaro Indonesia-PS PSDAL Lambung Mangkurat University- Hokkaido University. 2005-2008. Funded by PT Adaro Indonesia.


  1. Characterization and ecological role of free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from the rhizoplane of Melastoma malabraticum inhabiting acidic plain lands in Kalimantan. Funded by JSPS 2006.
  2. Frequent isolation of sphingomonads from local rice varieties and other weeds grown on acid sulfate soil in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Funded by JSPS 2006.
  3. Soil nitrogen supply and local rice nitrogen uptake in unfertilised acid sulphate soil in South Kalimantan. Funded by JSPS 2006.
  4. Fungsi Rizosfer dalam Mendukung Tanaman Padi Tropika Berdaya Hasil Ekstrim Tinggi Tanpa Pupuk di Lahan pasang surut. Hibah Bersaing Perguruan Tinggi. Tahun Anggaran 2006.


  1. Design of Sphingomonad-Detecting Probes for a DNA Array, and Its Application to Investigate the Behavior, Distribution, and Source of  Rhizospherous Sphingomonas and Other Sphingomonads Inhabiting an Acid Sulfate Soil Paddock in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Funded by JSPS 2007.
  2. Contrast Response of Siam Unus or IR64 Variety Growth to Nitrogen Application in Acid Sulfate Soil: A glass house study. Funded by JSPS 2007.
  3. Growth promotion of rice by inoculation of acid-tolerant, N2-fixing bacteria isolate from acid sulphate paddy soil in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Funded by JSPS 2007.
  4. Fungsi Rizosfer dalam Mendukung Tanaman Padi Tropika Berdaya Hasil Ekstrim Tinggi Tanpa Pupuk di Lahan pasang surut. Hibah Bersaing Perguruan Tinggi. Tahun Anggaran 2007.


General Lecture


  1. Purnomo E, Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y and Osaki M (2004) Traditional Rice Farming System in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. General Lecture at Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, Tsuruoka, Japan, 6 August 2004.
  2. Purnomo E, Hasegawa T, Hashidoko Y and Osaki M (2004) Traditional Rice Farming System in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. General Lecture at Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 8 August 2004.


  1. Purnomo E, Mursyid A, Hairani A, Turjaman M and Osaki M (2006) Root-induced Changes of Soil Chemical Properties in the Rhizosphere of Padi Panjang and IR64 Varieties. General Lecture at Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, Tsuruoka, Japan, 21 November 2006


  1. Purnomo E (2008) Strategi Pengelolaan Pasca Tambang. Orasi Ilmiah pada Wisuda XIII ATPN Banjarbaru. 29 Januari 2008


Current Research Projects


  1. Rizosphere Function in Sustaining Plant Growth on Tropical Adverse Soils. Joint Project Hokkaido University-PS PSDAL Lambung Mangkurat University. 1999-present.
  2. Research to support mine closure plan. PT Adaro Indonesia, 2008-now


Journal reviewer

  1. Reviewer of Jurnal Tanah Tropika, Jurusan Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung
  2. Reviewer of Jurnal Sains dan Terapan Kimia, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.


Saya menyatakan bahwa riwayat hidup telah dibuat dengan sesungguhnya.


Banjarbaru, 1 July 2009



Dr. Erry Purnomo

NIP 131 630 227

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